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About Us

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The Network of Evangelicals for the Middle East (NEME) is a collective of pastors, students, scholars and everyday Christians working together as followers of Jesus toward justice and peace, seeking holistic approaches to conflict in the Middle East, and encouraging the church toward deeper engagement with Jews, Christians, and Muslims in the region. 

We believe we are at a inflection point where an increasing number of evangelicals are seeking answers to questions about justice over issues like the war in Gaza. As a result, they are seeking evangelical communities where the Gospel message of peace and justice is actively embraced.

Our Mission

We Help People to


Go beyond stereotypes about the Middle East. Discover critical issues facing Christians, Muslims, and Jews.



Network with people who have a heart for peace and restoration, while building relationships with the diverse peoples of the Middle East.



Come and see the reality in the Holy Land and explore ways that Christians can amplify God's work in the region.

Our Commitments

STAND WITH BROTHERS AND SISTERS in Christ and embody God’s love for all peoples of the Middle East


FOSTER CONSTRUCTIVE CONVERSATIONS — public and private, irenic and provocative — on points of contention, including the Israel-Palestine conflict


EXAMINE EVANGELICAL BIBLICAL INTERPRETATION and theological convictions pertaining to the Middle East


CHALLENGE FALSE NARRATIVES, destructive caricatures, and simplistic accounts of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict


AMPLIFY MIDDLE EASTERN VOICES that move us toward a just peace for all peoples of the region


SUPPORT POSITIVE CHANGE in the region through collaboration, advocacy, networking, education, volunteering and fundraising

Support NEME Today!

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