Meet The Staff

Ben Norquist
Ben is a researcher and public organizer. Inspired by his study of higher education in Palestine, Ben currently works on the ways educational and epistemological structures develop responsively to physical landscapes, especially those that are highly configured and imposed.

Senior Research Fellow
Bruce Fisk
Dr. Bruce Fisk is a former professor of New Testament at Westmont College in CA. As Senior Research Fellow, he is responsible for creating Israel/Palestine dialogue curriculum for evangelical and academic groups, curating and writing articles related to evangelical engagement, and building relationships with evangelical academic institutions.

Relationship Manager
Mercy Aiken
As the NEME Relationship Manager, Mercy engages evangelical leaders, scholars, and pastors in learning more about the challenges that Christians and others face in the Holy Land and across the Middle East. Mercy is based in Flagstaff, Arizona. She holds a B.A. in English from Northern Arizona University and is currently working on a Master of Arts in Theology/Culture/Peacemaking from Saint Stephen’s University in New Brunswick, Canada.